
2pac changes
2pac changes

Moreover, in 2015, the number of hate groups in the US grew by 14 percent, from 784 in 2014 to 892 in 2015, according to the SPLC. The second leading motivators, sexual orientation and religion, each accounted for approximately 19 percent of hate crimes - nowhere near the percentage of motivated by race. For example, in 2014, 47 percent of hate crimes were motivated by it, according to data from the FBI. Hate crimes are still motivated by race more than any other factor. Sadly, the numbers continue to prove him right in 2016. Tupac clearly didn't agree with that perception. However, a lot of people would like to believe we've moved past all of that and now live in a post-racial society. It's not exactly a secret this country has a long history of racism and discrimination. In "Changes," Tupac directly addressed the blatant racism he saw in America.

2pac changes

Black people have been killed by US police in 2016 at more than two times the rate of whites, in spite of making up just 13 percent of the population. So far this year, US police have killed 758 people, including 187 black people, according to The Counted. In 2016, this line continues to be far too relevant. He's clearly referencing the issue of police brutality, and the unfortunate fact US police are more likely to use lethal force against minorities. Pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he's a hero.

2pac changes

In one of the opening lines of the song, Tupac says, Cops give a damn about a negro. Police brutality Cops give a damn about a negro. Two decades after his death, the lyrics of the song remain unsettlingly relevant, touching on themes we continue to contend with in the present day.

2pac changes